Westborough and Its People during Parkman’s Time

This page offers biographical information, relations, confessions, and other documents relating to some of the people who lived in and around Westborough during the time that Rev. Ebenezer Parkman was alive. These profiles provide a context for better understanding the interactions between Westborough and Parkman. The page also includes vital statistics that go beyond the traditional Vital Records to 1850 volume for Westborough (see “Counting Deaths in Eighteenth-Century Westborough” by Prof. Ross W. Beales, Jr.) and newspaper articles about Westborough that appeared during Parkman’s time.

You can learn more about Westborough, its people, and its environs by visiting the following Diary Themes: People; Topics; and Animals, Crops, and Food. Also see Historical Resources for Researching Parkman and Westborough and Scholarship on Parkman to learn more about Westborough and its people during this time.

Page Index:

The People of Westborough

This list includes only a subsection of the many people whom Parkman mentioned in his diary.  Visit the Diary Themes: People or use the search function for the diary to discover more names of people who appear in Parkman’s diary.

Vital Statistics beyond Vital Records to 1850

(See “Counting Deaths in Eighteenth-Century Westborough” by Prof. Ross W. Beales, Jr.)

Take the Marriages by Day of the Week-Quiz, based on data from Vital Records to 1850 for Westborough.

Westborough “In the News”

The following articles about Westborough appeared in newspapers published during Parkman’s time.